Alluring Surrender Read online

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  This is nice. Almost too nice…

  Chapter Six


  I stretch with a huge smile on my face as I start to awaken. Looking at the clock, I see it’s after ten. I was exhausted after my twenty-four hour shift, the game, and then Cruz telling me his story. I knew there was something, but I wouldn’t have guessed that. I knew he was mixed, but I assumed it was just a regular relationship. I had no idea about his mother being raped.

  What an amazing woman she must be. To not only deal with the rape, but to keep, nurture, and love the child that came from it. She’s a very strong woman and I hope one day to be blessed enough to meet her.

  I see a lot of ugly with my job. We’ve been called to rapes, beatings, shootings, and all sorts of other sordid things. To know that Cruz’s mother endured that… I can’t imagine.

  I just hope that he understands his parentage has nothing to do with him and everything to do with the bad choices the man who fathered him made.

  I’m going to make it my mission to break the rest of those walls down. Last night was a great start. He wants me! I knew he did. Well, I hoped he did, but I wasn’t certain he’d admit it to himself.

  He did though. He admitted it to himself and to me. That’s progress. I am patient and stubborn. I can wear him down and wait him out. Because at the end of this, I want the prize. I want not just the man, but the man’s love. And I intend to get it.

  Right now though, I am off today and my plans are to go volunteer at the Food Bank. I dance around as I shower and get ready. One of my favorite songs comes on the radio and I can’t help but shake my hips as I sing as loudly as I can all about my bass.

  The song makes me laugh, but I love it and the beat. The message is great too.

  Half an hour later, I throw my hair into a ponytail and grab my purse as I head out the door. I’m craving a Caramel Apple Latte and the only place in town to get one is Java and Sweeties. Of course the possibility of seeing Cruz never even crosses my mind.

  Yeah, right.

  I head out to my garage and back my SUV out and my phone rings. Glancing down, I see my sister’s name. Hitting ignore, I throw my phone onto the seat. No idea what she wants, but whatever it is, I already know I’m not interested.

  I sing while I navigate traffic. It’s surprisingly light as I make my way through campus.

  As I pull into the parking lot of Java and Sweeties, I look for a red sports car. It’s not there and I push down my slight disappointment. I came here for the coffee, not the possibility of seeing a sexy, blue-eyed, caramel-skinned drummer.

  I’m humming as I walk in and make my way to the counter. The place is packed with only a couple of empty spots in it. Glancing over toward the table that Bayou Stix and company usually frequents, I see my girlfriend Melonie, and her boyfriend Dade, Cruz’s bandmate. They see me and wave. Mel motions me to head over by patting the seat next to her. I nod and approach the counter. Erik, the proprietor and another friend of Cruz’s, is behind the counter. He smiles as he sees me. “Hey, Tifanie. What can I get you today?”

  Smiling at him, I reply, “An extra-large Caramel Apple Latte with fat-free milk and whipped cream, please!”

  He laughs. “You’ve got it. You want the sugar-free syrup too?”

  Frowning, I say, “No way. Gross. I want the sugar.”

  He laughs as he calls my order out to the baristas. I can’t help checking him out in his very well-fitting apron. He’s gorgeous. He’s built with chestnut hair and sparkling blue eyes. He looks up and catches me perusing him. He winks. “Whatcha looking at?”

  I smirk. “A fine assed man.”

  He feigns shock and looks around me. “Where? I still like to look!”

  Slapping my money down, I chortle. “You, dumbass! You know you’re fine. I love to look at you.”

  He bats his eyes and pushes my money back. “On the house, babe. Thank you. Head on over to the table. I’m taking a break in a bit and I’ll bring your coffee.”

  Rolling my own eyes, I push the ten into the tip jar and stick my tongue out at him as he tries to stop me, before heading to the table.

  I’ve hung out with him, his boyfriend, the band, and their women a bit over the past few months with Cruz, so I’m comfortable with everyone and I know Melonie very well. We’re the same age and attend a lot of the same functions since she’s a doctor and I work so much as a paramedic.

  Mel smirks at me as I get to the table. “Hey, girl. Meeting Cruz?”

  At the mention of his name, my heart races. I can’t help it. It’s just a natural reaction and it’s been that way since the first time I saw him. What’s funny is the first time I saw him was on a call at Dade’s house. Dade wasn’t there, but there was a 911 call and Ty and I responded. It was Clove, Dade’s little sister, and I met Liam and Cruz. Clove was pregnant and had kidney stones. She’s now married to Liam and due any day.

  Shaking out of my memories, I smile back at her. “No. I’m off and thought I’d go volunteer at the Food Bank today, but I had a craving for a Caramel Apple Latte first.”

  She nods. “A latte, huh?” Smirking, she says, “I see. Well, he should be here any minute. He’s supposed to go with Dade to get some new banisters for the house.”

  What the hell? He’s on his way here?!

  Why are you acting surprised? Isn’t that why you came here, just hoping to see him?

  Ugh, I’m so predictable. Is he going to think I’m a stalker?

  Shut up! No, I’m not a stalker. I wanted a coffee. A coffee that is delicious and they only make here. And ok, I might have wanted to see Cruz, too.

  Dammit, I’m so busted.

  I nod. “Are y’all remodeling?”

  Dade scratches his head. “No, not really. But there’s one banister that the college kids just tore up. Even with all the sanding and refinishing I’ve done, it just looks bad since it’s gouged pretty bad with large chunks missing. I just want to replace it. Cruz is going to help me muscle the wood.” He winks and flexes.

  My pulse quickens. Dear lord… why are these men so attractive?

  I sigh and Mel mimics it and mutters, “I know, right?!”

  Turning my head sharply, our eyes meet and we both laugh. She giggles and nods at the door. “Your boy is here. And he looks downright chipper today.” She looks at me inquisitively. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?!”

  I turn to watch Cruz approach. The fact that heads turn as he passes, both male and female, is not lost on me. My stomach does flips. He sees me at the table and stops for a second. My heart drops, but then he smiles at me and the breath whooshes out of my chest. Thank God I’m sitting down because I’d collapse from the power of that smile. Dear God!

  Erik arrives at the table at the same time with a tray of coffees. He passes them out and pulls out a chair. Cruz sees my monster-sized coffee and says, “Do we need a coffee intervention here?”

  Taking a sip I let out a moan as it hits the back of my tongue. That is seriously like heaven. The coffee with the sweetness of the caramel and apple and then the creamy whipped cream… It should be illegal.

  Cruz smirks slightly at my reaction, though his eyes are wide and I see him watch me swallow. I lick my lips and he follows the trail with his eyes. He asks, “I guess that’s good?”

  I nod and hold my cup out. “It’s divine. Try it.”

  I’m daring him and I’ve forgotten that anyone else is even in the room. He stares at me and I see his light eyes darken as he covers my hand with his and guides the cup to his mouth. He takes a sip in the same spot as I just drank from.

  Suddenly butterflies are dancing in my stomach and I feel like I just went over the drop on a rollercoaster. I gasp as I watch him swallow. He has a tiny bit of whipped cream on the side of his mouth and I just want to lick it off. He pops his lips and wipes the side of his mouth before sucking the tiny bit of whipped cream off. Staring into my eyes, he says, “Yes, that is definitely good. Thanks for letting me sample
your treat, Tif.”

  My mouth hangs open and the only thing that wakes me from my trance is the light coughing behind me. Shaking my head, I turn and see Dade, Melonie, and Erik all staring at us with wonder on their faces. I have no idea who even just coughed.

  Mel is looking from me to Cruz in glee and Dade is trying to hide a smirk. He says, “Well, I’ll be damned…”

  That wakes me up. I slump back onto my stool and glance at Melonie. She’s looking at me with a face full of questions. I shake my head slightly to tell her, not right now.

  She smiles and lets me know she understands, but I’m not off the hook.

  Holy shit. I’ve thought Cruz was gorgeous from the very first second I saw him. I wanted him that night at the house, but as time went on and I saw him more and more, the feelings grew. Now, we’ve been friends for a few months and then last night we kissed… now I can’t stop picturing him naked.

  Snap out of it, Tif! You can’t push him or you’ll spook him. He’ll bolt so fast you won’t even have time to react. Calm your ass down!

  Shit, I need a tub of ice and a fan.

  While I’ve been trying not to fantasize about Cruz, I’ve missed the entire conversation at the table. I’m only brought back to reality as Erik stands up, saying he needs to get back to work and Cruz leans back to stretch while Dade kisses Melonie before he stands up too.

  What did I miss?

  Melonie is staring at me. Did she say something? Is she waiting for a response of some sort?

  Everyone is staring at me and I have no idea why. Son of a bitch…

  Cruz leans down and asks, “You ok with Mel hanging with you at the Food Bank while we go get the wood?”

  Oh, so she did ask me a question.

  I chuckle. “Of course.” Breaking my gaze from Cruz, I look at a delighted Melonie. “The more the merrier. You’re more than welcome to join me.”

  Cruz stares at me like he has something to say, but then he just smiles and heads off with Dade. As he reaches the door, he turns and calls out, “Hey, Tif. Call you later.”

  He waits for me to nod before it closes behind him.

  I let out the breath I was holding as it closes.

  Melonie laughs and says, “What the hell? What was that?”

  Looking at her, I smirk. “Honestly, I have no idea.”

  She looks at me in disbelief. “He just sat here smiling for about twenty minutes, Tifanie. Cruz did! Like constantly. He doesn’t do that. So, what are you not telling me? Did something finally happen?”

  A soft voice behind me chimes in. “I want to know the answer to that too!”

  Turning, I see Lexi, Jude’s wife, and the owner of the bakery part of this amazing establishment, standing there. I can’t help but let my gaze travel over her petite frame. She’s gorgeous and curvaceous, but she’s also got an adorable little baby bump now too. She pulls out one of the high-backed chairs and sits down while she picks her feet up onto another chair. Melonie nods approvingly.

  Her hands rest on her little belly and she laughs. “Erik and Jude insist on me taking breaks every few hours. If I forget, Erik turns into a bossy bear, so here I am. And I caught the tail end of that interesting little scenario just now.” She looks right at me. “So, do tell, Tifanie!”

  Melonie joins in. “Good for the men folk. You need to take frequent breaks.” She turns to me. “Yes, you have four very eager ears. Enlighten us. You and Cruz. What happened?”

  I feel my cheeks flush and I chuckle. “Nothing really.” They both look at me, not buying it. I relent. “Ok, I told him what I wanted last night.” They both lean forward. “And I kissed him.”

  Lexi says, “You kissed him?!”

  Melonie butts in. “But, not for the first time? That was not the first kiss. No way. Right?”

  Do they not know Cruz? Yes, for the very first time. It’s laughable that they are so shocked. Do they think we’ve been screwing?

  Nodding, I say, “Yes, for the very first time. We’ve been dancing on eggshells. For months. We’ve been friends and while we’ve hung out, he’s never even touched me. He’s avoided touching me.” I shrug as they blink. “Last night, I had enough and I laid it all out. I told him exactly what I wanted from him and asked him what it was he wanted. I kissed him first though.”

  “And, what did he say?” Lexi asks.

  I smile as I remember. “He kissed me. And then said he wanted me too.” I frown as I realize that’s all he said though. Other than saying he wants me, he didn’t really say in what capacity. I’m really no more informed than I was yesterday other than him admitting he wanted me and some kissing.

  Well, shit! Why is this so freaking complicated? What happened to I like you, you like me, we’re attracted, let’s just be together?! Why does it seem like the older you get, the harder relationships get? Shouldn’t that be the opposite?!

  Melonie is watching me. “What’s that look for? What’s wrong?”

  Before I can answer, both of their cells buzz simultaneously. They look at each other in confusion and check the phones.

  Lexi says, “It’s time.”

  Melonie says, “I need to get to the hospital. Shit, I rode here with Dade!”

  Erik calls out, “Y’all ready?” as he looks up from his phone.

  I look at them in confusion. Lexi says, “Clove just went into labor. Can you bring us to the hospital? None of us have a car right now. How fucking insane is that?”

  Nodding, I hop up, grabbing my coffee and keys. “Yup. Let’s go.”

  Erik tosses his apron under the counter as he calls out orders to the scrambling baristas, Lexi runs to grab her purse, and Melonie calls the hospital. As we head toward the hospital with Melonie getting stats, the excitement in the car is palpable.

  Chapter Seven


  Oh boy. Liam just sent out a mass text saying Clove is in labor and that everyone can head to the hospital. Dade is freaking out, so I’m driving his Hummer. He’s on the phone with Liam who is also freaking out because his wife is in labor. I can hear Clove in the background telling both of them to calm down and that women have babies every single day.

  Of course she would be the calm one and she’s also the one in labor.

  It takes us about half an hour to get to the hospital and before I can park, Dade is out of the Hummer and sprinting through the doors. It makes me chuckle though I know everyone is nervous since Clove has had a rough few months. She’s a little early, but the doctors, well, Melonie, says everything is fine at this point.

  It’s an exciting time. The first Bayou Stix baby. I’m happy for them.

  My cell rings as I’m getting ready to get out of the truck. The number says, “Unknown Caller.” How the hell is someone not in my Call List calling me? I have a private number. I don’t answer it and let it go to voicemail.

  It takes a few minutes since the caller is leaving a message. As soon as it pops up, I check it. As I listen, my fists ball and my eyes darken with rage. My head feels like it’s going to explode. The message is long over but I can’t get out of the vehicle. I’m so enraged, I’m scared to move. I’m lost in my own dark thoughts.

  I don’t even know how long I sit, but the ringing of my phone alerts me that it’s been a while. Looking down, I see “Dade” on the display. Shaking my head to clear some of the rage, I take a deep breath and answer.

  “Hey, man. Sorry, I’m on my way in now. Where am I going?”

  “You ok? I’ve been in here almost an hour, Cruz. Melonie says she’s doing well and with no complications. Baby John should be here shortly. Are you coming?”

  I open the door and walk rapidly across the large parking lot. “Yes, I’m coming in now. I need to know where I’m going though.”

  Dade gives me directions and says Jessie and Blue are in the hall and will show me the way from the elevators once I get off.

  I need to clear my head and not let the phone call mess with me. This is a happy time. I’m excited for my friends. No tim
e to dwell on this bullshit right now. I’ll deal with it later.

  As I step off the elevator, I’m met by Jessie and Blue. Blue is talking animatedly and Jessie is just listening and smiling. I’m trying to listen to what she’s saying, but I don’t even understand half of it. It’s like she’s speaking Greek.

  “Dilated nine centimeters… water broke in the kitchen… baby should be here really soon. Hoping the baby has dark hair…” I’m just staring at her as I try to take it all in. I don’t know what any of that means.

  Blue is leading us down a hall, chattering away. I look at Jessie and mutter, “What the hell does any of that mean?”

  He shrugs and laughs. “I have no damn idea. I’m just nodding in agreement with her. I think it just means she’s close and John will be here very soon.”

  We turn the corner and there’s a huge crowd of people in the small hallway. Blue races over to Lexi and Bradi who are in the corner. Jessie and I head over to talk to Jude, Dade, Micah, Erik, Alec, and Mr. George. He’s kind of Dade and Clove’s surrogate father since they don’t really have one. As we get there, Dade is on the phone and I catch the tail end. “Yes, sir. She’s doing well. Y’all be careful crossing the Basin. Don’t rush. Call back when you get here and we’ll meet you downstairs. It’s kind of a maze in here. Tell Ms. Verna to drive safely… See y’all in a little while.”

  He hangs up and looks at everyone. “That was Paw. Ms. Verna is driving them in. They should be here in another forty-five minutes or so.”

  I nod. “I’ll go meet them when they get here so you don’t have to leave.”

  Dade nods and claps my shoulder. “Thanks, man.”

  Liam pops his head out of the door and calls out, “Cruz here yet?”

  I call out that I am.

  He hollers, “Clove wants to see you. Come here.”

  I look at Dade in confusion and he shrugs. As I walk around him wondering what Clove needs to see me for right now, I see Tifanie step out from the group of girls. She sees the confusion on my face and mouths, “I brought Mel, Lexi, and Erik. No cars.”