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Alluring Temptation (Bayou Stix #3)
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Book 3 Bayou Stix
Alluring Temptation
Book 3 Bayou Stix
Skye Turner
Kindle Edition
Skye Turner Copyright © 2014
All rights reserved.
This ebook is the sole property of the author, Skye Turner, and may not be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the author. Please help prevent the piracy of ebooks. If you are reading this book and you did NOT purchase it from Amazon, borrow it from the Amazon Lending Library, or get it as a one-time loan from someone who purchased it from Amazon, you have an illegal copy! I like to eat and I like to feed my children, so please support myself and other authors by acquiring our work the LEGAL way.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, places, events, or occurrences is purely coincidental unless otherwise noted below.
The author acknowledges the real people or places and copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Adam Levine, Afghanistan, Atchafalaya Basin, Atlanta, Atlantic Starr, Avengers, The Band Perry, Baton Rouge, Bill Condon, Bose, Brad Pitt, Caribbean, Colorado, Coyote Blues, Devil’s Lair, Disney, Downtown Baton Rouge, Enigma, Evangeline Thruway, Fear Factor, Florida-Georgia Line, Footloose, Google, GQ, Hallmark, Harry Connick, Jr., Hollywood, Hollywood South, House of Blues: New Orleans, Hummer, Hunter Hayes, Jack Daniels, Jason Aldean, Jessie Williams, Kaliste Saloom Road, Kardashians, Keith Urban, Lafayette, Lafayette Visitor’s Center, Lenny Kravitz, Lois Lane, Los Angeles, LSU, LSU Lakes, Luke Bryan, Madison Square Garden, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Ealy, Nashville, Navy, Netflix, New York, NOLA, Old State Capitol, Our Lady of the Lake Hospital, On Demand, Pandora’s Box, Pat Benatar, Ragin Cajuns, Rich Collins, Saints, Shemar Moore, SIRIUS, Spotify, Superman, Thor, Tom Cruise, Top Gun, Twitter, UFC, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and Wayne Toups.
Cover Design by: Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs covertocoverdesigns.com
Cover Photography: Justin Cardoza of Flourish Films http://www.FlourishFilms.com and Mandy Hollis of MHPhotography https://www.facebook.com/pages/MHPhotography
Cover Models: Dusty Daniels and Mandy Hollis
Editor: Rebecca J. Cartee, Editing by Rebecca https://www.facebook.com/EditingByRebecca
Formatting: BB eBooks / Paul Salvette bbebooksthailand.com
Author Bio Photography: Rich Roth http://www.richroth.net
*Due to graphic sex scenes and strong language, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. This is an ADULT book and contains graphic sex scenes and explicit language.
Alluring Temptation is dedicated to anyone who’s ever had their heart broken, their dreams crushed, or someone tell them they are not worth it.
Here’s to proving them all wrong!
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Letter from the Author
About the Author
Excerpt from Wicked Games
Connect with Skye on Substance B
Thank you to my amazing Beta readers: Betsy Whitley, Cover to Cover Book Blog, Elaine Kelly, Elaine’s Love of Books, Joely Bogan, Book Worms, Kia-Lin Klink Holmes, Miles Apart Books, Lindsey Lawson, Daisy Dog Photography and Design, Noelle Kinberger, Pam Mitcham, Tiffany Tyler, Tiffany Talks Books (and my amazing P.A.), and Thomas Noble. Y’all make me feel like a ‘Rock Star’ every single day and I love you oodles and oodles for the love and support and for helping me perfect my baby!
Thank you Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs for always nailing my covers. Especially this time when I decided to be difficult. Thank you for not telling me to take a hike when I hit you with a last minute revision this time! You always create the perfect cover and are also an amazing friend.
Thank you Justin Cardoza for the beautiful cover photography, and thank you to Dusty Daniels for portraying my Liam so well.
EXTRA SPECIAL thank you to Mandy Hollis for the last minute work and working with me to be my Clove!
Special thanks to my fellow Sinners: A.D. Justice, A.M. Madden, Christine Davidson, LL Collins, Ren Alexader, and Tricia Daniels. You girls are the best and I love our witty conversations about absolutely nothing. You keep me sane and grounded and I love you!
Another extra special shout out goes to my AMAZING Street Team! You ladies are the absolute best and I love that you love me and my characters so much. So, thank you to: Tiffany, Betsy, Bea, Loca, Cheryl, Desiree, Rebecca, Kia, TH, Lindsey, Noelle, Julie, Komi, Lheanne, Ange, Shannon, Joely, Heather, Christine, Amber, Kristin, Tracey, Amy, Andrea, and Elaine.
For my other amazingly supportive author/blogger friends, I thank you for taking the journey with me and your love and support is the cherry on top of this sundae! TH Snyder, Kathy Coopmans, Chelle Bliss, Rebecca Brooke, Glenna Maynard, Alina Man, Joanne Schwehm, and so many more.
I’d also like to thank my READERS! Y’all are the bomb diggity and your messages, FB posts, tweets, etc. make my day every single day. I thank you all for loving my boys and girls!
Lastly, but most importantly, I have to thank my love, James, and our two babies! You three are the most important things in my life and your love, support, and pride in me have me more fulfilled than I ever thought possible. I love you!
Chapter One
What is that God awful noise?
The ringing of my cell phone wakes me from my deep slumber. Rolling over, I slap around the nightstand and knock the phone to the floor. “Shit! Dammit! Who the hell is calling me? What the hell time is it anyway?”
As my hand finds the phone, I squint at the caller ID. “Dade” is on the display. I also notice the time. Seven fricking o-clock in the morning.
Why the hell is this asshole calling me at 7AM?!
Swiping my finger across the screen to answer, I mumble out, “What the hell, dude!?”
Laughter comes through the phone as he answers, “Good morning, sunshine. I didn’t disturb your beauty rest, did I?”
“Hell yes, you did, asshole. What’s up? Why are you calling me at 7AM? Why aren’t you snuggled up with some hottie instead of disturbing me?” I grumble out as I drag my hands down my face to trying to wake up. Damn, I need to shave.
He laughs again. “Who says I’m not? And you live in my house, so I can call whenever I want to. Just checking in. How is everything that way?” His voice gets serious. “Are you being civil to my sister?”
Sighing, I flop back on the bed and stare at the patterns cr
eated by the light filtering through the blinds onto the ceiling. “Clove is fine. Give me some credit. She freaks out whenever I walk into a room and when she’s not avoiding me, she’s screaming at me.” I groan. “Why can’t you just call her?!”
He sighs and I can hear him messing with his hair through the phone. “Look, I know she’s kind of different, but she’s had a really rough go of it lately. I’d be there, but I needed this break too, and it was already scheduled. Just try not to rattle her, ok? I’ll be back in eight days. I appreciate you keeping an eye on her until then though, man. I mean it.”
Chuckling, I roll my eyes. “Man, she’s not a kid. She can look after herself. But I’ll make sure the boogeyman stays away until you get back. I can’t promise she won’t stab me in my sleep though. If she does that, I’m going to fuck you up! She really seems to dislike me… though damned if I know why.”
Dade guffaws through the phone and I hear a whispered female voice and then a throaty chuckle.
“Dude, are you seriously with a chick right now and on the phone with me?! What is wrong with you? Go enjoy your vacation. Everything on the home front is fine. The house is still standing; Clove is still here; and, we’re both still alive. The princess is fine. We’ll see you when you get back. Now, I have to figure out what the hell I’m going to do since you woke me up with the goddamn chickens.”
“Don’t call her ‘princess,’ she hates that.” He laughs and moans. “Yeah, I’m getting off of here. Do something productive. Change the world…” Another moan. “Later.” The phone cuts off with a longer moan.
I mutter out loud as I stare at the silent phone, “Seriously?! Fucker!”
Great, I’m wide the hell awake, so now what? And I know Clove hates being called “princess.” Why the hell does he think I do it? If she’s going to hate me, I can at least give her a reason.
But seriously, why DOES she hate me?! Five years ago, she talked to me. She kind of followed me around, and yeah, I noticed her. She’s attractive enough, but she was eighteen, and Dade’s baby sister. No way in hell. I like my face.
Oh well, that chick has issues. Besides, Jessie already fucked up my mug once. No thank you to a repeat!
After a quick shower to wash away the last of the cobwebs, I decide to head out for a run. The sun is out, and it’s a nice day, if the light filtering through my blinds is any indication.
The weather has been insane lately and it’s been ridiculously cold. I mean shit, this is Louisiana. We’ve even had some snow days; though we didn’t get snow. We got ice. Lots and lots of ice. What the fuck is up with that!? Maybe Mother Nature and Clove are both having woman issues. Fucking PMS.
I chuckle at my own joke as I grab my iPod and the Ragin Cajuns sweatshirt Paw gave me for Christmas to throw on over my tank and track pants. Peeking out the door, I don’t hear anything in the kitchen so, I assume Clove is still asleep.
Damn shame I have to creep around the house I live in to avoid the crazy female. Shutting the door, I insert my ear buds, grab a baseball cap from the coat rack, my shades from the foyer table, and let myself out of the front door.
Before long, I’m running at a good pace around the LSU Lakes. It’s still really early, so there’s no one else out yet.
I’m jamming out to the new Devil’s Lair album. I downloaded it after we caught them at the House of Blues in New Orleans last week. I have to give Bradi credit, she knows her music. I like them. They’re going places and I think we’ve decided to have them join our upcoming tour.
I’m in the zone, just running, and trying to avoid going home for as long as possible when I catch a glimpse of a pink jacket next to me out of the corner of my eyes. Turning my head, I see a pretty blonde. She smiles at me and I smile back.
Hell, why not?! She’s obviously interested and it’s not like I have anything waiting at home. Work your magic, Pretty Boy. Clove is going to be pissed if I bring this chick home with me. Damn nag. Oh well, more reason to do it.
We make another lap and then she slows down, I slow down with her. I don’t realize I’ve started running harder the last lap. Damn Clove for getting into my head. Looking over I smile at the blonde as she leans over with her hands on her knees and tries to catch her breath.
As she does, I take her in. She’s about average height with well-shaped legs and hips and a pretty face. Her hair is tightly pulled back in a long ponytail. From what I can see under the fitted jacket, she seems to have nice breasts.
She catches me looking and smiles wider. Then, she stands up and props her hands on her hips in an obviously well-practiced move. “So, handsome. What’s your name?”
What’s my name? Is she serious? Did she not recognize me with my hat and shades on?
Well, I’ll be damned. I do not want a clingy female. Hell no! Guess I’m taking the shades off.
I whip my shades off and remove my hat. As I do, my shirt rides up and I see her eyes glide down to my rippled stomach. I hear her inhale. As she’s looking down, I spread my legs and cross my arms and set my trademark smirk in place. Her eyes slowly travel back up and I can tell the moment she recognizes me. Her jaw goes slack. I chuckle and lift a brow.
She swallows and squeaks out, “Liam Christianson? Oh my God… are you Liam Christianson?!”
Shrugging and smiling so I show teeth, I reply, “The one and only. And you are?”
She stares at me for a minute and then gives me a sexy smile.
Crisis averted. This I can deal with. It’s playtime.
Crossing her arms to push her breasts together and up, she licks her lips. They glisten in the early morning sun. “I’m Celia. So Liam, what brings you out this early? Woman problems?”
I catch the interest in her eyes and chuckle. “Absolutely not. I don’t have one woman, therefore, I have no woman problems. A friend called at the ass crack of dawn and woke me and I like to take care of my body.” I stretch again and watch her gaze once again zero-in on my abs. Chicks are so predictable.
She smiles brighter and steps closer. “Well, I’m free the rest of the morning, Liam. In case you wanted to… hang out or something.” Her breasts are now against my chest.
Yes, they are nice or she has a really padded bra on.
Looking down at her, I smile. Leaning in, I breathe into her ear and say, “I’d love to ‘hang out.’ My place or yours?” I feel her shiver.
Her eyes are lit up with desire as she gazes at me. “Yours is fine. My roommate is still sleeping. Lead the way, gorgeous.”
Shaking my head at how easy this is, I gesture towards the houses off the lakes and take off at a slight jog. She follows and I can feel her gaze raking over me. Within ten minutes, we’re back at Dade’s.
She follows me to the door and before I open it, I turn around and box her in. Leaning down so my mouth hovers above hers, I try to remember her name. Ah, got it. “Celia.” She has her eyes closed like she’s waiting for me to kiss her, so I try again a little sharper. “Celia!”
Her eyes open and take me in. I smirk and say, “Just so we’re clear… you can come in. We can hang out. I don’t do relationships. This is not the start of anything. It is what it is and this is all that it will be. I’ll take you home later, but I’m not looking for anything exclusive with anyone.” Her eyes widen. “If you want me to take you home now, just let me know.”
She smiles at me and it’s almost calculating before she whispers. “I don’t want a relationship with you, Liam. But, I do want you to take me inside now.”
My brow raises and I reach behind me to turn the knob. The door opens and I gesture for her to proceed me into the house.
Following her in, I close the door. The house is still quiet. That means Clove is still asleep. Thank God. I do not want to deal with that crazy female right now. Celia follows me in and looks around. I gesture to the hallway and we head to my room. She’s still looking around as we walk. “Nice house. Yours?”
Laughing I reply, “No. It’s Dade’s. I’m looking for my own place,
this house is suddenly very crowded.”
“Dade.” It rolls off of her tongue. “He has nice taste.”
We reach my room. I open the door and she follows me inside. As the door closes behind her, I turn to lock it, only she jumps on me and I have to grab her hips to keep us both from falling. She wraps her toned legs around my waist as her arms go around my neck and crashes her mouth to mine. Damn, this chick is aggressive.
Still kissing so hard, her teeth scrape mine, she grabs my shirt and starts working it up my stomach. I walk backwards with her towards the wall and slam her into it. It causes a racket and a frame falls to the floor. Holding her against the wall with my hips and supporting her weight, I help her remove my shirt and pull off her pink jacket. She wrenches it over her head and all she has on is a black sports bra and her tight compression pants. Before I can fully see everything, she’s attacking my mouth again and her tongue is warring with mine. Damn, she’s so forceful. Her hands are holding my head in place and her tongue is exploring every hidden crevice of my mouth while our teeth continue to clash together.
She’s woken up my dick for damn sure. Trailing my hands quickly up her arms, I reach her breasts and squeeze them, not gently. She moans into my mouth and pushes against my hands. Shit, does she want it rough?! Somehow I get my large hands under the band of the sports bra and yank. It’s stuck. She breaks her mouth free with a bite to my bottom lip and pulls the bra off. Her large, if that scar is what I think it is, fake D’s are in my hands and I’m pinching the nipples. Her head goes back as she grabs my head and pulls it down to her tits. “Suck and bite me. Hard!”
Fucking A. This chick is wild. It’s like 9AM and she’s a hellcat. I have to give the girl what she wants.
I bite one nipple and suck it into my mouth as I pinch and pull with my fingers. She has large nipples and they are rock hard. She moans loudly and holds my head captive as I roughly bite and roll her nipples. All the while, she’s humping my thigh. I can feel her moisture through my track pants. It’s making the silky fabric slick. Her hand reaches between us and roughly grabs my crotch. I gasp, “Easy there, wildcat. You break that and it won’t help either one of us.”