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Alluring Surrender


  Book 5 Bayou Stix



  Alluring Surrender

  Book 5 Bayou Stix


  Skye Turner


  Kindle Edition


  Skye Turner Copyright ©2014

  All rights reserved.

  This ebook is the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced or transmitted without the permission of the author. Please help prevent the piracy of ebooks. If you are reading this book and you did NOT purchase it from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, KOBO, or get it as a one-time loan from someone who purchased it from one of the FOUR above mentioned places, you have an ILLEGAL copy! I like to eat and I like to feed my children, so please support myself and other authors by acquiring our work the LEGAL way. Don’t be a douche and steal our hard work.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, places, events, or occurrences is purely coincidental unless otherwise noted below.

  The author acknowledges the real people or places and copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Abita Pecan Harvest Ale, Afghanistan, Alexander McQueen, Atchafalaya Basin, Batman, Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge Halloween Parade, Black Widow, Captain America, Christian Louboutin, Cinclaire, Community Coffee Pumpkin Praline, Director Fury, Fireball, Flo Jo, Froot Loops, Gabbie Duran, Highway 1, Hocus Pocus, Hummer, Ice Queen, Kindle, Les Miles, Louisiana, LSU, Nerf, Netflix, No White Flags, Robin, Splenda, Steve Gleason, Superman, Team Gleason, TMZ, Twilight, Usain Bolt, West Baton Rouge, Walk-Ons.

  Cover Design by: Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs

  Cover Photography: Michael Meadows Studios/ Michael Meadows

  Cover Models: Jamaal Lewis and Taryn Horn

  Editor: Mandy Schoen

  Formatting: BB eBooks Thailand/ Paul Salvette

  Author Bio Photography: Rich Roth

  *Due to graphic sex scenes and strong language, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. This is an ADULT book and contains graphic sex scenes and explicit language. It also contains delicate topics that may be hard for sensitive readers to handle.


  This book is dedicated to everyone who’s ever had someone look down on them.

  YOU define YOU. The only way others can is if you give them the power.

  Dream big. Be true to you.

  Define yourself!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Books by Skye Turner

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Bayou Stix Series Epilogue

  Letter from the Author


  About the Author

  Excerpt from Cursed Love


  Thank you to my amazeballs Beta readers: Betsy Whitley, Cover to Cover Book Blog, Joely Bogan, Kristin Blay, Lindsey Lawson, Noelle Riviere, Stephanie Dillander, Thomas Noble, and Tiffany Tyler, Reading in Black and White.

  Thank you Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs for once more giving me EXACTLY what I wanted! You are a rock star babe!

  Thank you to Michael Meadows of Michael Meadows Studios for the awesome cover photography.

  THANK YOU to my awesome readers and Street Team, Bayou Belle’s and Beau’s! Love y’all for loving me and my characters!

  For my other amazingly supportive bestie author/blogger friends, thanks for being awesome. Ma Boo-TH Snyder, JM Witt, LL Collins, Kathy Coopmans, Joanne Schwehm, Gabbie Duran, SK Hartley, AD Justice, Jamie Whitley, and so, so many more.

  And finally, but most importantly… Thank you to my awesome, sexy, supportive husband, James, and the two perfect little hellions we created together. Writing is my job and my passion, but you three are my WORLD.

  Books by Skye Turner


  Alluring Turmoil, Book 1 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Seduction, Book 2 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Ties, A Bayou Stix Novella, Book 2.5 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Temptation, Book 3 Bayou Stix

  Alluring Infatuation, Book 4 Bayou Stix

  Chapter One


  “Are you going to see Tifanie tonight?”

  I sigh as I look around Java and Sweeties and I try to avoid Jude’s question. It’s packed today. There isn’t an empty table, chair, or couch in the entire place. Luckily, since Jude is married to the owner of the most popular coffee shop/bakery in Baton Rouge, we never have to worry about having a place to sit here. We kind of have a “reserved” table in the corner by the huge windows.

  A kick under the table alerts me to the fact that I am not going to be able to ignore the question. I look up into the grinning face of Jessie. “So, are you seeing the hot paramedic tonight, Cruz?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. We don’t typically make plans to hang out in advance.”

  I don’t like talking about this. Tifanie and I have been hanging out for a couple of months now. We’re friends and we have good conversation and laughs together. She’s sexy as hell but I just don’t… we’re friends.

  A throat clears and I look into Dade’s curious brown eyes as he stares at me. “You seem to hang out a lot lately.”

  I shrug again. “Yeah, she’s pretty fun.”

  Jessie chuckles. “She’s fun?! No, she’s fine. With a capital ‘F.’ Have you tapped that yet?”

  I glare at him and grip the table top to stop from punching my friend in the face. Jude smacks him in the back of the head and mutters, “Don’t be a crude ass, Jessie!”

  Jessie rubs the back of his head and smirks. “I wasn’t. I was just trying to get a rise out of him.” He nods in my direction and I can see Dade smile. “He just seems to be spending an awful lot of time with fun Tifanie lately.”

  “Why do you need to get a rise out of me?” I ask.

  Jessie laughs. “Because dude, she’s FINE and she wants you. Yet, you don’t seem to be willing to make a move!”

  I mutter under my breath, “Yeah, well…”

  He needs to mind his own business.

  Liam nods at me. “What’s the deal, Cruz?”

  Why are they so damn curious about my life?! It’s not like that with Tifanie and me.

  “It’s not even like that. We’re just friends. We hang out and have fun. Stop making it more than it is. We’re just friends.”

  Jessie laughs. “Right.” He drags the word out. “So, who are you trying to convince of that, man?”

  “Screw you. It’s not like that!”

  Dammit… it’s not like that. We’re just frien
ds. It’s all we can be. Tifanie is sexy and sweet; she doesn’t press me and we have a good time. She’s easy to talk to and I enjoy her company, but I can’t… no, I won’t go there with her.

  Even though she fills out a pair of jeans like a dream. Dammit, stop thinking about her ass in her jeans, Cruz! She’s your friend. You’re her friend. That’s it. That’s all it is. Friends. Even though she seems to occupy a little too much of your mind lately.

  No, fuck that. We’re friends. It’s all we can be.

  Dade is being Dade and watching my face. He sees I notice and he winks at me. I mutter under my breath and look away.

  He laughs out loud.

  Jude diverts everyone’s attention from me by leaning forward and asking about Clove, Liam’s wife and Dade’s baby sister. “How’s she doing with the bed rest? Lexi says she’s miserable being confined to a bed.” He seems really interested in the answer.

  Liam grimaces. “Yeah, it’s not fun. She hates being on bed rest. All she can do is stay in bed except when she has to go to the bathroom, but we have to keep him in there for a bit longer. They say if we can make it another few weeks, we’ll be good.”

  Clove is a good friend. We’ve been friends since we were kids and now she’s married to one of my best friends and band mates. They are great together, but I am worried about her. Not because she’s married to Liam; he adores her. But, she’s had a rough couple of months with her pregnancy.

  Jude sighs. “We’re all hoping for that and I’m hoping we don’t have to deal with bed rest with our own baby, though that morning sickness shit is no joke either.” He shrugs sheepishly and looks at Liam. “No offense, dude.”

  Liam chuckles. “None taken. I hope Lexi has smooth sailing.”

  Jessie interrupts, “Yeah well, can we stop all the baby talk?” He rubs the back of his neck and pulls his lip ring into his mouth. He always does that when he’s antsy. He mutters, “I’m not ready to deal with all that yet. Don’t give me the water you two are drinking!”

  I laugh at him. “Jessie, I don’t think the world is ready for any little Jessies right now anyway!”

  A laugh at the tableside draws everyone’s attention. We look up into the sparkling eyes of Blue, Jessie’s fiancée. “Yes, no babies yet! My man-child is all I can handle right now.” She fakes a shudder. “God, don’t curse me with another one of him.”

  Jessie mutters, “Hey, woman! I’m fucking amazing. But, yeah, when we make babies, I want a mini-Blue so I can kick some boys’ asses when she gets older! For now though, we can keep practicing. Three to four times a day!”

  We all laugh as Blue grabs his face and kisses him.

  Coffees are delivered to the table and our publicist, Bradi, sits down. “Ok, boys. Let’s get down to business. Enough baby talk since Micah and I don’t have any… yet!” She laughs, but then gets right to it and we go over the schedule for the arena tour we’ll be starting in about eight weeks.

  We’re wrapping up the meeting when my cell buzzes with a new text.


  Pizza and beer tonight at Walk-Ons to watch the LSU game?”

  I look up and see Jessie laughing at me. “So, having fun with legs tonight?”

  Blue glares at him. “Why exactly are you noticing Tifanie’s legs?”

  He blows her a kiss. “Because they are long and shapely.” She frowns. “Simmer down, woman! I prefer your legs. They are attached to that fabulous ass I’m so fond of.”

  She laughs and presses a quick kiss to his neck as she squirms out of his lap. “You are incorrigible, Jessie Adams!”

  He grins and pops her ass as she stands up. “Yup. You love it!” He wiggles his eyebrows and pulls on his lip ring.

  She rolls her eyes as she walks away. “True story!” She wiggles her fingers at us as she disappears into the kitchen.

  Bradi stands up and calls over her shoulder as she also heads toward the kitchen. “Y’all behave.” She winks at me and smirks. “And Cruz, have fun with Tifanie tonight!”

  What the hell?! Everyone is out to get me. They all have the wrong idea about Tifanie and me. Way wrong. We’re just going to watch the game. That’s it!

  I sigh as I text her back to tell her I’m in. I see everyone smirking at me as I type. I flip them off.

  Chapter Two


  God, what a long twenty-four hours it’s been! Is there a full moon tonight? We’ve dealt with nothing but crazy people today.

  Luckily, a gorgeous man kept me sane. Well, not him, but thinking about him and his haunted blue eyes did.

  Ha, you’re an idiot, Tifanie. Cruz has never so much as made a move on you.

  He’s interested. I can see he’s interested, but he won’t make a move. Why not?

  We hang out all the time. We spend a lot of time together, yet, he’s never even kissed me.

  There’s something that’s holding him back, but damned if I know what it is. I’m just being patient and biding my time. He’ll act on it. He has to… right?!

  Because I am aching with the need to kiss him.

  Good lord, I’m an idiot. I’m twenty-five years old and mooning over a man who is scared of me. Yet, something pulls me to him; so I wait… I’ll wait.

  Ty, my partner, breaks me out of my musings as I stare sightlessly at the TV in the station. “Earth to Tif.” He snaps his fingers in my face and I shake my head to clear it as I look at him. “Yo, wake up. Only a few more hours to go. You thinking about the brooding drummer?”

  I frown at his description of Cruz. “I’m awake. And he’s not brooding, but yes, busted. I was thinking about him.”

  Ty smiles slightly at me. “Ok. Perhaps brooding is the wrong word. Wounded, maybe?!”

  I grimace. There’s truth to that statement. “That one might work…”

  He chuckles. “So, what’s the latest?”

  I click my tongue as I think about how to answer him. “Well, there is no latest. It’s pretty much the same. Nothing new to report.”

  He stares at me and arches a brow. “Nothing new to report? You’ve been spending time with him for almost two months and there’s nothing to report?!” He looks at me incredulously. “Are you kidding me?” He mumbles, but I catch it. “He’s an idiot.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, nothing new. We hang out. We do things together, but we’re just friends. He doesn’t seem to want to change the equation.” I smile, though it bothers me. “What can I say? Maybe he’s just not that into me. At least as anything other than a buddy.”

  Ty laughs. “Yeah, ok. I’m calling bullshit on that one. Have you seen you? No straight man wants to be just friends with you, Tif. Is he gay?”

  That makes me laugh. Is Cruz gay? Um, no. I’ve seen the hungry look in his eyes when he thinks I’m not paying attention. He’s not gay. He’s interested, but why won’t he act on it? What’s the deal?

  I say out loud, “He’s not gay. And you’re straight.”

  Ty makes a face at me. “I am definitely straight! Tif, I don’t want to see you hurt. You’re an amazing woman and you care about the drummer. But, I care about you and I don’t want to see you with a broken heart. I’ll kick his ass if that happens.”

  He would too. Ty has been my partner for two years now. He’s a great guy. We are like brother and sister though; so the fact that he’s completely hot, while not lost on me, does nothing for me. That would be gross.

  I pat his cheek. “I know you would. I love you for it, too; but I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl. We’re friends, Ty. I’m giving him space and time to realize how awesome I am. And he will. He has to, right?!”

  He kisses my palm and bites it. “He better. Or he really is a fucking idiot!” He laughs as I jerk my hand away and punch his shoulder. As he rubs it, he asks, “So, want to head to Walk-Ons to catch the game tonight or are you just going to head home and go to bed?”

  I’d forgotten a pre-season football game was on tonight. I’m exhausted from the crazy calls with our shift, but I nod
as I check my phone. Ty laughs at me. “Go ahead. Ask him if he wants to come too. Maybe I can be your wingman!”

  I roll my eyes at Ty, but laugh. “My wingman?”

  He nods. “Yup. I’ll throw some meat your way to see how he reacts. I’ll help you land him.”

  I chuckle as I think it through. What would it hurt? I can flirt with a few people and just see how Cruz reacts. If he really isn’t interested, then he won’t care, but if he IS, he’ll let me know. Two months is long enough to figure it out. I’ve made it more than clear that I’m interested.

  If this little nudge is what it takes, then bring it on.

  I nod. “Ok, Robin. Let’s do this!”

  He grins and I don’t mistake the twinkle in his eyes. Oh lord, I hope this doesn’t backfire! But he gripes with a smile. “Why am I Robin? I want to be Batman! You look better in tights!”

  Grinning, I wink. “Truth. But both wear tights.” I text Cruz and within minutes he texts back saying he’ll meet us there tonight at six.

  Leaning back against the seat, I take a deep breath.

  Ty pats my hand. “Tif, in all seriousness… if he’s interested, you’ll know. I just don’t want you to be unsure anymore.”

  Turning my head, I smile at Ty and take him in. His chestnut hair has auburn highlights and he has sage-colored eyes. He’s fair skinned, but he tans and works out five days a week as well as plays flag football whenever he can; so he’s fit. He’s the best.

  He sees my inspection. “Why are you looking at me like that? You’re creeping me out.”

  Grinning, I lick my lips and I outright laugh as he fidgets uncomfortably on the seat. “When are you going to get a steady woman, Ty?”

  He drums his fingers on the door as he stares out of the window. “I don’t know. When one makes me want to, I guess.”

  I cluck my tongue. “And you think you’re going to find a worthwhile one in the bar sluts you bring home every night?”

  He looks at me and scowls. “When did this conversation become about me?! I thought we were talking about the drummer.”